A downloadable game

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Knave of Cups
Indie Press Revolution
Exalted Funeral
Ratti Incanti

This is not your night.

 You've messed with the wrong person, and they’ve been hunting you down for days.  You’ve lost a fight, you’re badly injured and, you’re exhausted. Chances are good that you won’t see another twilight. If you can make it to your haven, you might survive; but that’s a big if.

Bloodless is a rules-lite game about the creatures of the night. It was designed for the Caltrop Jam 3 and built on the Caltrop Core system.  Bloodless is a solo journaling RPG that helps you to build a narrative using prompts and dice rolls. Play as a struggling vampire who’s trying to make it to their haven before the sun rises.

  • 1 six-sided die (d6)
  • 5 four-sided dice (d4)
  • 2 twenty-sided dice (d20)
  •  Tokens to keep track of the game’s currency (Blood)
  •  A pencil or pen and paper.

Bloodless is a solo RPG about a vampire trying to survive the night. As such, it deals with many topics associated with vampirism. It features supernatural abilities, preying on and controlling others, religious themes and death. It also references blood and uses it as a game mechanic.

"Full disclosure, this was only the second solo ttrpg I've ever gotten to play, and I found it incredibly easy to pick up and understand--it's very newbie friendly, which I can appreciate as both as veteran ttrpg player and a newbie solo player."
-Carro, Playtester
"Ennio it's real fuckin good dude."
-JC Darcy, Playtester
Love the concept, the game is very interesting and it very well executed by Ennio.
La esquina del rol, Translator and editor of independent role-playing games.


Hoy no ha sido tu mejor noche.

Quizás te has metido con la persona equivocada y ella te ha estado persiguiendo por días, o tal vez has perdido una pelea y estás malherido. Sea como sea, estás agotado. Es muy probable que sea tu última noche. Sin embargo, si puedes llegar hasta tu refugio es posible que sobrevivas, pero eso solo si lo logras.

Bloodless: sin ninguna gota de sangre es un juego de rol en solitario de reglas ligeras sobre criaturas de la noche. Fue diseñado para la Caltrop Jam 3 y utiliza el sistema Caltrop Core. Bloodless: sin ninguna gota de sangre es un juego de rol de diario que te ayuda a construir una narrativa a partir de tablas de inspiración y tiradas de dados. En este juego, eres un vampiro que está al borde de la muerte. Tu objetivo es regresar a un lugar seguro antes de que amanezca.

  • 5 dados de cuatro caras (d4).
  • 1 dado de seis caras (d6).
  • 2 dados de veinte caras (d20).
  • Fichas para llevar la cuenta de las meta monedas del juego (Sangre).
  • Algún medio para llevar el registro.

Bloodless: Sin ninguna gota de sangre, es un juego de rol en solitario de diario acerca de un vampiro intentando sobrevivir a una noche terrible. Por lo tanto, se abordan muchos temas asociados con el vampirismo. El juego trata temas como el uso de poderes sobrenaturales, la depredación y control sobre otros, así como temas religiosos y sobre la muerte. También, se hace referencia a la sangre y, además, ésta se usa como una mecánica del juego.

“Para ser honesto este es apenas el segundo juego de rol en solitario que he jugado, y lo encontré increíblemente fácil de entender y jugar. Es un juego accesible para los principiantes, lo que realmente apreció como jugador veterano de los juegos de rol y principiante en los juegos de rol en solitario”
Carro, pruebas de juego. 
“Ennio es buenísimo en lo que hace”
JC Darcy, pruebas de juego.
“Me gusta el concepto, es muy interesante y fue muy bien ejecutado por Ennio”
La esquina del rol, traductor y editor de juegos de rol independientes.


Buy Now$5.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5 USD. You will get access to the following files:

BloodlessV2.pdf 5.4 MB
BloodlessEspañol.pdf 5.3 MB
BloodTokens.png 89 kB

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  • Tips in $5 increments over the asking price add 1 copy per $5

Development log


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I survived safe and sound by the skin of my teeth! Thanks for the game!!!

Thank you for playing!


This game is so much fun! It's easy to grasp but still involving, and it strikes a great balance between game rules and player creativity to make sure replays are just as fun. I don't know why mine has turned into a radio serial-esque series of adventures about the same character but I'm having a great time

Love to see it! I'm glad you're having fun with it, and thank you for commenting.


Bloodless is quick and easy to get into, quick to wrap up, but sticks with you for a long time. The concept works well, the prompts keep you on your toes, and you always feel like you're racing against the clock as the hours tick down until your supposed safety. Definitely recommend, it was a wonderful solo ttrpg that I would love to see more people play!

Thank you so much!


I had an absolute blast playing Bloodless! The rules were easy to learn and the gameplay was incredibly immersive.

The prompts and dice rolls added a thrilling element to the game, and I felt like every choice I made had real consequences. It was intense watching the hours tick by as my character struggled to survive the night.

I also thought the use of Blood as a currency was a really interesting game mechanic. It added an extra layer of strategy to the game and made it even more engaging.

Overall, I would highly recommend Bloodless to anyone looking for a fun and immersive solo RPG experience. It's perfect for beginners and full of fascinating prompts to immerse yourself into the night.

Thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed the game.


I have played a lot of solo journalling games, which makes me confident to say that this is a perfect example of the medium and inspired use of the Caltrop Core system by @titanrpg!

Ennio takes the classic vampire tropes and inspiration from "the Vampire the Masquerade actual play “LA by Night” and the What We Do in the Shadows series", and uses them to great effect, especially with the clever framing of the badly wounded and exhausted vampire fighting the coming dawn.

"Chances are good that you won’t see another twilight"

The Caltrop Core system framework with the assigned stats allows for variously-focussed characters with the use of Blood Tokens and how they are gained and lost in Absolute Successes/ Failures lends to incredible highs and lows that made for a genuinely exhilarating experience and exciting narrative.

The prompts themselves are the most paired-back element of the game, which I could see being a little tough for some, but this is beautifully balanced by the scenario, stats and character prompts, and richly flavoured tables for rolling up who your vampire is, why they are in their predicament they're in, and what else you have at risk.

This game reignited my love for solo journaling game and made me start working on my own Caltrop Core game!

My complete playthrough: https://dice.camp/@SebrinaCalkins/109592478818230193


Thank you so much for such an in-depth review! I appreciate it!


A wonderful short solo journaling game about a vampire in a bad way trying to make it to safety with a ticking clock if 6 hours til sunrise. A fantastic solo experience using the #CaltropCore system to great effect (https://caltropcore.com/)

I Highly recommend it, especially if you like creatures of the night. My ongoing playthrough: https://dice.camp/@SebrinaCalkins/1095


Thanks for playing! And thanks for leaving such a nice review!